Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure in Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Skin disorders (Eczema, psoiasis, acne, herpes, dermatitis, athlete’s foot, hair loss, allergies);pain or disfunction in relation to the muscle or joint or nerve damage (arthritis, back pain, stiff neck, headache, migraine, trigeminal nerve pain, s...
Counselling, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Alexander Technique in Brampton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire
We are a group of natural therapists offering a holistic whole body service. The breadth of therapies we offer in the clinic mean we are able to meet most requirements. Rob Outram is a Registered Osteopath and member of the British ...
Deep Tissue MassageCounselling, Acupuncture, Deep Tissue Massage in carnich
Qigong, Reiki, Chinese Massage in Sheffield
As an experienced practitioner, I use my training in natural medical systems to inform individualised and effective treatments, tailored to achieve the best results for my clients. Since2008 I’ve taken on a program of learning, training and profes...
Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Stone Therapy Massage in Ripley
Sports injury’s, soft tissue damage, tight muscles, pre/post event massage, shoulder pain, back ache, stress, anxiety, relaxation. Essential Therapies provides Sports and Remedial massage to clients throughout the local area. The company located...
Deep Tissue Massage, Stone Therapy Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage in Greater Manchester Tel: 07535809340
Swedish & Deep Tissue massage, Aromatherapy massage, Reflexology and Thermal Auricular Therapy Mobile to your home, or visit my comfortable and relaxing log fire heated treatment room in Greenfield Saddleworth My name is Rachael Smith. I am a f...